She has curated/co-curated exhibitions around art, science and technology, such as “Lying Sophia and Mocking Alexa”(, Hyundai Blue Prize),“Blue Cables in Venetian Watercourse”(PSA Emerging Curator’s Program), the third Today Art Museum “Future of Today” Biennial, the art&tech sector of the inaugural Beijing Art Biennial, “Earth Heat Flow: the Visitor Who Returns to Solar Time”, and the inaugural exhibition for Chinese National Astronomy, “Cosmological Elements” . She has also curated solo exhibitions for Liu Xin, Lauren Lee McCarthy and so on. She was the art jury of ISEA and SIGGRAPH ASIA.
Iris’s research has been presented in “Space in Time: From the Heavens to Outer Space”(Warburg Institute), UCL Institute of Advanced Studies, “Art and Artificial Intelligence”(Open Conference, ZKM), “Art Machines: International Symposium on Computational Media Art (ISCMA)”(Hong Kong), Digital Research in the Humanities and Arts (London), ISEA and so on. She teaches part-time at Central Saint Martins, has worked with tech companies such as Microsoft, SenseTime and LandSpace, and initiated the first residence program focusing on astronomy and astrophysics in China (Department of Astronomy, Tsinghua University).
In 2021, she initialised “Port: Under the Cloud”, a long-term research and curatorial project on the infrastructures of science and technology in China. This is her passion project. 🔭
龙星如(b.1990),是一名独立策展人,写作者,博古睿学者,其研究关注中国的科技基础设施及技术的心理地理、多重宇宙学。策划展览包括《撒谎的索菲亚和嘲讽的艾莉克莎》(Hyundai Blue Prize策展人奖,,《他山之石,新代理人》(PSA青策计划大奖),第三届今日未来馆《机器人间》,首届北京艺术双年展科技艺术板块《大地热流:回到太阳时间的访客》,《中国国家天文》首个科学艺术展《步天歌》等,她也为艺术家刘昕、Lauren Lee McCarthy等策划国内首个个展。担任ISEA电子艺术研讨会国际评委及计算机图形学会议SIGGRAPH ASIA艺术板块国际评委。研究发表于瓦尔堡研究所,伦敦大学高等研究院,ZKM媒体艺术中心“艺术与人工智能”会议,香港城市大学运算媒体艺术国际论坛(ISCMA),英国格林威治大学数字人文与艺术研究国际论坛,ISEA电子艺术研讨会等,并兼职任教于中央圣马丁艺术学院空间叙事专业。她也参与过微软(亚洲)互联网工程院、商汤科技、蓝箭航天等科技企业的项目,并策划了中国首个专注天文及天体物理的驻地项目(清华大学天文系)。